Sum up------Poll Outline

1. What do I want to find out?  
What are the difficulties of American students learning a foreign language in the US?
2. Target Population: American College Students
3. Hypotheses:

1) American Chinese learners will have the same problems as other people learning a foreign language in which country the language is not dominantly used. The problems include:
                                          A. Lack of language environment
                                          B. Problems of Language class
                                               a. Gap between class and real life
                                               b. Focus on input skills (listening & reading) over output skills (speaking & writing)
                                               c. First language is allowed to use 
(comparing to learning English as asecond language in the US)
                                               d. learning the language differently from native speakers do (inspired by observation)
                                                  ⅰ learning two kinds of Chinese writings at the same time                                                                                                                                                         
                                                  ⅱ learning grammar                                                                                                                                        2) American Chinese learners may be have unique challenge, such as
                                          A.    Motivation might be compromised by the power of their native language
                                          B.     Motivation also might be related to the international status of China

Poll /uploads/8/0/8/2/8082660/questionnaire_by_yi_wang.docx

Revised Poll /uploads/8/0/8/2/8082660/survey_revised__by_yi_wang.docx

Results of the Poll /uploads/8/0/8/2/8082660/results_of_yi_wangs_poll.docx